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Wouldn’t it be funny if Adamnagourney.com was actually written in secret by Adam Nagourney??

I want to make it clear, I am no Judith Miller. I did not help this country into a war for no reason. I did not make things up. I did not push one of the biggest lies upon the […]

rhymes with yikes

Okay, so I believe in free-speech 100%, and actually consider myself a bit of an absolutist on the topic. But of course there’s nothing in the First Amendment that means private companies like blogspot have to host shit like this. I won’t quote from it, but I guess I’d call it a pro-Holocaust site […]

who are you people?

wow … so i’m getting about 22 distinct visitors a day, according to my site meter. Very odd … I thought hardly anyone was reading this!


I liked elements of this column by the Washington Post’s Donna Britt:

In a nation divided, demonizing the ‘other’ — whether an antiabortion Republican or a war-despising Democrat — deepens the rift. Those who automatically judge political opponents as evil, stupid or ‘un-American’ aren’t just wrong. They’re part of the problem. Those who fear […]

for you political junkies

Start handicapping the 2008 field! I got some kudos from the webmaster – an Army captain blogging from Iraq! – after helping correct some of his spelling.

Red vs. Blue

The NYT has a very cool graphics package on the election, looking at county-by-county breakdown. It makes it clear the divide in America is not so much red states vs. blue states, but rural vs. urban. Kerry won the big states (except some in Texas, Oklahoma City, Salt Lake City, Phoenix & a handful […]

election day

Finally! I wasn’t going to make a prediction – who’d be that crazy – but there was a “mandatory” $5 office pool, so I kinda had to. I picked Kerry to lose with 259 electoral votes, and Thune to win S.D. at the tiebreaker.

I didn’t vote – wasn’t too enthused with any of […]

Audit Bureau of Circulations – Reader Profile – The Top 150 Daily Newspapers

Newspaper circulation figures are out.


Two electoral vote predictors:Electoral-vote.com, run by a pro-Kerry person, and Election Projection, run by a pro-Bush guy. Both seem very interesting, with nonpartisan projections.