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employee benefits

With a week left before I start at the LUNO, I have been annoying my coworkers with tales of how great it will be to work there. “Oh yeah, they have this huge newsroom, bigger than this,” I was saying Sunday. “The computers are great, with two flat screen monitors. And there’s windows! A view! And a basketball court!”

“A basketball court?” I was asked incredulously.

“Yes, a basketball court! Not to mention a gym. And free coffee!”


luno“Oh, and you know what else? We get massages on Fridays.”


“Yes,” I lie. “Someone comes around to all our terminals and rubs our back on Friday, to prevent carpal tunnel syndrome.

“Oh, and on Thursdays, there’s wine and cheese,” I add, struggling to keep a straight face. I’m getting really into it now. “Yeah, it’s pretty sweet.

“Fridays are Massage Day, Thursdays are Wine and Cheese Day … I forget what Wednesdays are, but Tuesday is Chocolate Day! Mmm, chocolate…”

“Oh, stop!”

Well, the part about the cool new newsroom and the basketball court is totally true.

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