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singles map of the united states, revisited

So remember that “singles map of the United States” I blogged about awhile back? Via Gawker, this guy says it is bunkus because it counted all singles aged 20-64. When you look at people in their 20 and 30s there are actually more unmarried men than women in New York City and around the nation. He has an interactive map that looks at this in detail.
Like for ages 20-34 there are supposedly 30 “extra” single men per 1,000 people in metro NYC, including NJ and northern Pa. At age 35-39 that number shrinks to 10 extra guys, though, and by ages 40-44 it is reversed with 19 extra women. The trend continues from there.

Now, obviously the “NYC-New Jersey-Northern PA area” is a little broad, and the map doesn’t take into account da gays. But still interesting IMHO. I tried to get more precise data from the Census Bureau website and even downloaded an application called “Dataferrett” but it seems they only make available state-level data from the American Community Survey.

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