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Pearl Izumi’s Syncro Pace III

So Kody from Pearl Izumi was nice enough to offer me a review pair of running shoes a little while back. I had never worn Pearl Izumi shoes but have a great technical sweat-wicking jersey I got a few years ago that I like. (Probably more of a cycling jersey, but I use it for running … Dylan did you turn me on to this brand?). Plus I really, really love their whole “Run like an animal” ad campaign (an answer to Reebok’s “Run Easy” ads of 2007 that I and others found mildly offensive). Like this is the text of PI’s latest ad in Runners’ World:

If all we want to do is feel good about ourselves, jogging is the ticket. It doesn’t challenge us. It doesn’t test us. It doesn’t exact a physical or psychological toll. Worst case scenario is, jogging may cause mild perspiration on color-coordinated sweat suits. But if we’re willing to push ourselves into uncharted territory, a place littered with broken bodies and remnants of the human psyche, running may be what we’re looking for. Without question, it dishes out more heaping helpings of humble pie than any sport we know of. Little wonder that so few people have the testicular fortitude to lace up and run like an animal.

pearl izumi syncro pace iiiAnyway, so I chose to test-run the Syncro Pace III, designed for a moderate overpronator like myself. I must say I was a little worried about it, though. If I didn’t like the shoes, I’d feel a little like an ingrate giving them a bad review here after I had gotten them free. (I wonder if professional reviewers ever feel this way? Or are they enured to it?)

Thankfully, though, I can say I definitely like these shoes. I’ve been wearing them a lot since I got them. They’re comfortable and nice and springy. And I like the looks of them, too. I usually run in Asics or New Balance or sometimes Nikes, and I do declare this is a good running brand as well. As far as a more thorough review, however, I have realized that I am sorta lost: I can’t really say anything about uppers and stuff like that. I just don’t know enough about the technical aspect of running shoes. Still anyone who likes Pearl Izumi’sads should check out their running shoes…

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