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hi y’all!

Hello! Yeah, I’m on an irregular posting schedule these days. You could say this blog is on life support. To some extent Facebook and Twitter have supplanted unfocused personal blogs like this one. But whatever, I still like having it out there as an outlet for me. Plus, without it where would all the people discussing broken necks go? So anyway. Yeah, I was laid off in November. I worked for a little bit at a well-known Internet gossip site (that I can’t name, sorry), but that wasn’t for me. So just finished my yoga teacher training at Sonic Yoga in Hell’s Kitchen! We’ll see if that’s something I could possibly pursue full-time (I’d likely have to really cut my expenses to survive on that income), but it was a great experience.

What else. I have been using a time-management technique I read about in the Wall Street Journal to stay on track during my “funemployment.” The Pomodoro Technique! You basically set a tomato timer (or an iPhone app, but I like to hear ticking down of a tomato timer) to 25 minutes. That is one Pomodoro, during which you have to stay absolutely focused and on track. No checking emails, Facebook or nytimes.com! After one Pomodoro you get to take a five-minute break, and after four you get a longer break. So back to my Pomodoros!

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