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So I’m back … not much to say, because it’s 3:47 a.m.! But here’s my story on the shark attack:

CAPE SAN BLAS, Fla. – A nurse who helped save a 16-year-old boy savaged by a shark said she and other rescuers felt “very helpless” as they fought to keep the teen alive with no tools but beach towels and their wits.

Holly Baker was one of a handful of people with emergency medical training who raced to help Craig Hutto. The Lebanon, Tenn., teen lost his right leg after being bitten by a shark Monday while fishing in waist-deep water about 60 feet from the shore.

I went out on a boat with my photographer to look for sharks … she took this picture:shark

Here is me on the boat:

searching for sharks

Cameraphone wasn’t up to capturing the sharks beneath the surface, but this guy here was nice enough to show his face:


5 comments to back

  • nancy

    What, no photos of topless chicks?

  • nancy

    you know, that can only mean ….

  • nancy

    Did you go for a swim? I think the sharks caught their quota for this month.

  • hee hee. I am a terrible swimmer, why I’ll (probably) never be a triathlete. I did go for some runs on the beach to toughen myself up, but only succeeded in giving my toes blisters! Took a little dip in the water afterwards — it was soooo warm!

    Heading to the beach again today! (this time in Queens)

  • also, there were no topless chicks. Lots of families with kids, though. I did go to Hooters for the first time ever though, just because it was next to the hotel and I wanted a beer. OMG it was awful. I went to my share of strip clubs in my youth (none since my friend’s bachelor party two summers ago), but somehow this was … I dunno, kinda degrading.

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