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papi problem

papi suckling

Originally uploaded by derek7272.

So little Papi has developed a little oral fixation. Yes basically he will try to nurse from any exposed human skin. He is so desperate about it, I’m sure if I had any milk in my arm he would have extracted it. And plus he kneads with his claws — ouch! I guess maybe he was weaned too soon, but Coco doesn’t do this and Papi didn’t the first two weeks I had him. He is about 10 weeks old now I think.

3 comments to papi problem

  • I remember something of this happening when one of my cats was little. I think it’s just a phase they grow out of. Sort of like seeing the 5-6-7-8 year old kids on the street still sucking their pacifiers.

  • jenny

    The kneading with his claws won’t go away. It is just what cats do. You can clip the cat’s nails (carefully) with regular nail clippers, or with little scissors from the pet store. Just make sure you cut well above the ‘quick’ or you will have lots of kitten blood everywhere. Good to get them in the habit of nail clipping young so they don’t mind it too much…..Good luck with the kitties.

  • Tallman

    So Papi has an oral fixation and is sucking on things that he shouldn’t, huh? I mean come on Papi, you shouldn’t be sucking on a man’s arm. That’s just not right, kid.

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