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i heart immigrant labor

I’m not trying to be facetious at all … just thinking about this today, all the ways low-wage, mostly immigrant labor makes my life easier:

Feeding me. Like many Manhattan residents, I very rarely cook for myself. Instead I just eat out. I can get a good meal for $5.50 at the Desi Deli […]


So C. works in public health but obv. could have a future in journalism … she’s a much better writer than me! She got back from her first trip to Venezuela last week; I’m planning to go with her on her second visit late next month. Here is a note she sent me about the […]

‘U.S. Latinos at crossroad’

I had this story on page 6 today:

The United States could be one-quarter Hispanic by 2030 – but America’s hottest immigrant group faces unique health and educational challenges, two new reports say.

One report, by the National Academy of Sciences, called for new educational programs to allow Hispanics to take full advantage of the […]