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I jiggled my fishing rod up and down in the water, like the others were doing. Piranhas are attracted to noise, and here I was fishing for one with a slender stick of wood and an attached line.

I felt something on my line. Was the lure hitting the river bottom? I raised the line […]

river trip

Multimedia message Originally uploaded by derek7272.

We have just been on a tropical island so far. But tomorrow we are getting up at 4 a.m. to take plane into the jungle. The tour guide operator gave us a list of things to take, then said we didn’t need one item on the list, flashlights. […]

mysteries of venezuela

A beer at Perdition for anyone who can answer either of these two questions. (You must come to HK to claim).

1. Why are there so many freakin’ Germans here in Venezuela? A lot of the signs and tourist information is in Spanish and German. C and I had dinner at a faux German restaurant […]

beach photo

Multimedia message Originally uploaded by derek7272.

It is super chill here … Yesterday was rainy but today nice … Just went for run along beach and now waiting for pizza.


cab ride with c

Multimedia message Originally uploaded by derek7272.

So i am writing and hopefully posting this message to y’all from a cab in Venezuela … My phone works fine here! Internet acess and everything.



I am at a hotel by the airport with C. Have been in-country for about an hour few real first impressions. The airport was v. sleek and modern. The taxis are Ford Explorers. At the airport a baggage handler steered us to an unofficial money-exchanger where we got 3,200 Bolivars for each American dollar, much […]

what to do with my 401(k)

So the bulk of my assets are in my old Daily News 401(k). I will just go ahead and tell you how much that is: $93,990.08 as of Friday. I didn’t that much money at the News, but was diligent about not doing the typical New York thing and spending all my money in rent. […]

longful kitty

Multimedia message Originally uploaded by derek7272.

Coco likes looking out at pigeons that roost right by my window. Unfortunately watching him can lead to heartburn as he does this.


kitchen kitty

Multimedia message Originally uploaded by derek7272.

Papi likes hanging out in the kitchen … too bad he can’t cook.

free coffee

FREE STARBUCKS COFFEE for next two hours … until noon today Thursday 3/15.

abolish running bibs!

So the New York Road Runners are abolishing the “permanent bibs” runners have used for years after this weekend’s 8000K run. I have a better idea: let’s abolish running bibs entirely.

For you non-runners out there: the bibs are what we call those numbers runners attach to their chest at races. For years they were […]

running to music & cell phones

So I have been really enjoying my Sony Ericsson w810i, which doubles as an MP3 player. I bought a 4 GB memory stick duo for it and have loaded no less than 600 songs onto my phone. The interface for downloading songs isn’t as simple or flexible as my old Samsung player, but it works.


38 pitches

Curt Schilling now has a blog.

Things go well through the first three innings, and I throw ten changeups in that time. I literally feel like I’m throwing the first two left-handed. This is such a different pitch for me, and it’s taken three years to convince my body and arm to sync up. It’s […]

Roth vs. traditional IRAs and 401(k)s

Okay, so does everyone know the basic difference between Roth IRAs (Individual Retirement Accounts) and traditional IRAs and 401(k)s? With a traditional IRA and 401(k)s, your contributions are tax-deductible … but you pay income tax on withdrawals from the account when you take the money out (after age of 59 1/2). With Roths, you pay […]