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I just sent this letter to World Tribune.Com, cc-ed to Con Web Watch and Media Matters for America.
To the editor:
Lt. Col. Tim Ryan’s Jan. 18, 2005 article, “Media’s coverage has distorted world’s view of Iraqi reality“, contains several serious misstatements of fact:
Gripping Newsweek story on the insurgency in Iraq:
Feb. 7 issue – He wasn’t supposed to live, and the way he tells the story today, this “suicide bomber” wasn’t quite ready to die. Twenty-one-year-old Ahmed Abdullah al-Shayea had come to Iraq from Saudi Arabia to join the infamous terrorist known as Abu Mussab al-Zarqawi in […]
19 1/2 miles in the park this afternoon. 52:37, 56:14 56:47 for each of the first six-mile loops (so that was 2:45:38 for the first 18, or a 9:12 pace), and a final time of 3:04:05.
The 2:45:38 for the 18 compares favorably to 2:54:46 18-miler I ran two weeks ago — I’m getting faster!
Just three days until my New Zealand trip! I’ll be gone for over three weeks. It’ll be the the first time I’ve seen my mom in two years! I actually don’t have too much planned for the trip. Meeting my friend Rich for some good tramping (hiking) action Feb. 14-18. Perhaps in the Abel Tasman […]
I thought this exchange on the military blog Blackfive was pretty interesting. An anonymous officer on board the USS Abraham Lincoln, engaged in relief efforts off the coast of Sumatra, wrote this essay griping about having to ferry around a bunch of journalists and “trifling do-gooders.” Lt. Cmdr. Jeff Vorce gave him wicked smackdown:
With […]
So my editor, Mark Mooney, is in Iraq for a month to cover the election. As well as our photographer Mike Appleton. Mark filed this report for today’s paper.
Whole world watches U.S. BY MARK MOONEY DAILY NEWS NATIONAL EDITOR BAGHDAD – The world is coming to Iraq to see if the U.S. can pull […]
Hard to do a story like the anniversary of Auschwitz justice, but here’s my attempt:
Julian Mysels remembers the first time he was herded into the showers at Auschwitz, not knowing whether he’d be doused with poison gas.
But he was in the right group. Water came out […]
So we’re reporting that the Sox have traded Minky for Ian Bladergroen, a single-A first base prospect rated No. 4 in the Mets organization. Here’s a good roundup of factoids on Bladergroen. I woulda been thrilled if we coulda gotten Jae Seo, but this seems like a good deal.
The Associated Press moved into our building a few months ago, and today there’s several dozen Falun Gong demonstrators outside, protesting this story from last week:
By AUDRA ANG, Associated Press Writer
XINMI, China – Three years ago, he was a die-hard Falun Gong (news – web sites) follower, serving a life sentence for […]
Well, I expected my last post might be controversial, but I had no idea …
Actually, I kinda thought I’d instantly persuade people with my arguments. Ha! Fat chance. It was interesting, though. Jeffrey was no doubt correct when he wrote, “Do not underestimate your readers.” The blogosphere is a pretty amazing aggregator of disparate […]
Lt. Col. Tim Ryan has written a lengthy piece criticizing the media coverage in Iraq that has attracted a lot of attention. A rejoinder from a member of the MSM. […]
New York is a funny town. Tonight I catch up with my good friend Jon at the remnants of a going-away party for an associate at his law office. It’s all a bunch of guys around my age (32) bullshitting away at this bar, right? Good guys all; about six of us. They’re in suits, […]
From Reuters:
WASHINGTON, Jan 20 (Reuters) – Rats that were “born to run” not only outpaced their less-talented cousins but also were naturally less prone to heart disease, a finding that may help explain why exercise prevents heart death, researchers said on Thursday. …
[Researcher Steven] Britton [of the University of Michigan] and colleagues bred […]
I just watched an advance press copy of the entire segment of a CBS News 48 Hours episode on the Beslan school seige. They have some never-seen-before videotape shot by the terrorists themselves from inside the school. One moment in particular is just horrifying. And then there’s footage of mothers who were allowed to take […]
Oliver Willis has an amusing video of a confrontation between a Fox News anchor and a Vanity Fair contributing editor Judy Bachrach. And Wonkette has a funny item about the NYT’s fucking elephants.
And then there’s this:
By Peter Finn An Iraqi woman who was granted refugee status in the United States after telling The Washington Post and U.S. officials that she had been imprisoned, tortured and sexually assaulted in Iraq during the 1990s appears to have made false claims about her past, according to a fresh examination […]
So for the past few years, cheapskate that I am, I’ve been buying beater cars on Craigslist and driving them into the ground. For much of 2003 and a good part of 2004 I drove a ’95 Ford Aspire that I bought for $888. All I put into it was a new tire, and it […]
From the AP, upcoming movies for the coming year. Among them are remakes of the Amityville Horror, Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner, & Charlie and the Chocolate Factory; adaptations of Doom, the Fantastic Four, Sin City, the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy and the Chronicles of Narnia.
Diew, a five year-old Thai elephant, demonstrates how to use and flush a toilet at an elephant camp in Chiang Mai province, in northern Thailand. Having taught Thailand’s elephants to paint, dance and play musical instruments, their Thai handlers are now toilet-training the beasts, media reported.(AFP)
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