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The FBI on Tuesday announced a $5,000 reward and the public’s help to find a “the person or persons responsible for mailing dozens of unusual, threatening letters pertaining to the television coverage of collegiate football and basketball cheerleaders.”
The letters were sent to national networks and their local affiliates, as well as individuals associated with […]
I’ve written about NYC’s gender ratios before… here’s a little tidbit from Sunday’s Times:
Men now outnumber women [in Lower Manhattan] by a ratio usually found in towns with all-male colleges, military bases and prisons, and in a few enclaves in Silicon Valley, with high concentrations of engineers and workers in other male-dominated fields.
Since […]
This is thrilling news for any guy who has dated a whose bad PMS has made his life hell: Lybrel, a birth control pill that eliminates a woman’s monthly period, should be approved by the FDA in May:
Doctors say they know of no medical reason women taking birth control pills need to have a […]
Multimedia message Originally uploaded by derek7272.
I try not to comment about stuff like the Virginia Tech shootings if all I can think of to say is how horrified I am, which other people can say better than me. But some of the coverage struck me today:
“We always joked we were just waiting for him to do something, waiting to […]
Winter Stream 1 Originally uploaded by awrose.
A cool photo from my brother … more here.
I’m not trying to be facetious at all … just thinking about this today, all the ways low-wage, mostly immigrant labor makes my life easier:
Feeding me. Like many Manhattan residents, I very rarely cook for myself. Instead I just eat out. I can get a good meal for $5.50 at the Desi Deli […]
In case you haven’t already seen it, the NYT has a neat rent vs. buy calculator that accompanies this article.
This will likely be my last post about Venezuela — last but not least, though. Our trip to the Orinoco River delta was definitely the high point of the trip. Originally C. and I had just planned to hang out on the beach: on Margarita Island (pop. 100,000, a “free port” with hotels and bars) […]
One of the things we did in Venezuela was stop in this Pedernales, a tiny one-car fishing village in the Delta Orinoco. It seemed like about a third of the town’s residents were around for a procession through the center of town that involved this child playing a Roman centurion enthusiastically whipping “Jesus”, his teacher. […]
Daisuke Matsuzaka – 7IP, 10K, 1ER in BoSox’s 4-1 victory over Royals yesterday…
More from C:
We arrived on Monday to Isla de Margarita and sped across the island to reach Playa El Agua, a sandy beach with rolling waves and groves of coconut trees away from the water providing a respite from the hot sun. Lining the road, vendors were selling local art, necklaces, t-shirts with the […]
C wrote this about our trip earlier:
We arrived last night in the dark and sped down the highway in our Big Black SUV Taxi, past shiny American cars, rattling public buses, and one pickup filled with bright-eyed teens in the back. After fifteen minutes, we took a turn and rumbled down narrow roads toward […]
I’m back — ugh, what weather — and will be posting more about my trip over the next few days. Here are some tidbits:
Everyone was very, very nice and friendly. Despite the tensions between our two governments, no signs of anti-Americanism at all. C was not shy about telling people we were from Nuevo […]
More to say later …. BUT WHY IS NEW YORK STILL COLD????
Multimedia message Originally uploaded by derek7272.
After street vendors assured c and me there were all legal copies, we kinda went crazy with purchases. Rome seasons 1 and 2 … Prison break 1 … Deadwood 1 … 6 feet under 5 … L word 2 … Plus few others for us$ 35
observations / humor
Red Sox