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accountability on 2008 new year’s resolutions…

Okay, so I am not going to make any excuses or anything on my 2008 New Year’s Resolutions. I accomplished some, and didn’t accomplish others. I sorta started out strong and lost my resolve around March. But anyway, here are my resolutions from Dec. 2007 and how I’ve done on them.

1. Amassing a score […]

i’m still here

Hi, sorry about blog-absence, I am still here alive and kicking. New Jersey Marathon on Sunday! I am hoping for about a 3:40 or so. I am still working the overnight shift at the L.U.N.O. (Large Unnamed News Organization).

Actually I need to think about other career options as the company is “regionalizing” the department […]

goals 2008 week 11

Okay, so my father requested an update on how I am doing on those New Year’s resolutions. In truth I have been a little lax on the updates. After achieving my weight one, I maybe slacked off a bit. Also my trainers at Crossfit told me I should stop doing sit-ups for awhile as my […]

the downside of being skinny

Okay, so goal one is accomplished! Or half-accomplished. I have been <168 lbs. for a solid week. Actually I got down under 168 two weeks ago but then gorged at my Super Bowl party and was at 169.5. But now I am back on track. Part two of this first goal is to remain under […]

goals week 2

I am just getting this in under the wire! I promised to do one every week, and ideally this meant Monday or Tuesday. But maybe it is a good thing I am late. Part of the reason for the delay is that earlier I was v. discouraged on the whole diet front … I was […]

2008 goals week 1

So here we are…

Fitness: Just did 63 situps in two minutes, up from 56 two weeks ago. Yay! Also 17 pullups, same as last time. Did not test myself on run as have been taking advantage of warm weather to run outside.

Weight: 173 pounds, down from 175.5 last week. That is a slight […]

goals for 2008 week 0

So I would kinda like a do-over on the past 10 days as far as fitness resolutions go. First toward the end of last week my left shoulder felt hurty while I was exercising it. Like some joint thing or something in the rotator cuff? It was only sore when I was lifting, though, so […]

2008 goals week -1

So I am getting a jump start on the Goals for 2008. I have decided to label this week -1 and next week week 0, so as to start 2008 on week 1. (However I want full credit for everything I accomplish in the waning days of 2007!)

Here is my progress so far.

1. […]

Goals for 2008

In past years I have not been one for New Year’s resolutions. But I have three for 2008 and I am going to post them here.

1. Amassing a score of at least 285 out of 300 on the Marine Corps Physical Fitness Test. To do this I would have to average 19 (strict) pullups […]