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Twitter Updates for 2010-04-30

New Newton running shoes– checking out what the big deal is…. http://twitpic.com/1jie6u #

Twitter Updates for 2010-04-27

Running 4×1 mile on treadmill at 6:30 pace while watching competitors in London Marathon run entire race about 1.5 times as fast…. #

Twitter Updates for 2010-04-24

Interesting 'Psychology Today' piece on flaws in NYT article on whether marriage is good for your health. http://bit.ly/bJWzdo # Ran 5.89 miles in 45 mins and felt alright. nice five-mile run on my lunch break…. # heart racing … #celtics. # PAUL PIEEEEERRRRRRRRCCCCCEEEEEEEEE!!!!! # my poor cat Papi I just scared the beejeezus out […]

Twitter Updates for 2010-04-23

http://twitpic.com/1hlv5r – Central park racoon… #

Twitter Updates for 2010-04-20

Watching Boston Marathon on Justin.tv … Women's race down to wire. Chills. #

Twitter Updates for 2010-04-19

http://twitpic.com/1gn8y1 – This turkey seems to live in Battery Park near US Coast Guard Station & SI ferry. I've seen it on runs there for #

Twitter Updates for 2010-04-17

I'm at The Magician (118 Rivington St, at Essex, New York) w/ 4 others. http://4sq.com/4q9Neg # I just unlocked the "Swarm" badge on @foursquare! http://4sq.com/cx9uAF #

Twitter Updates for 2010-04-08

Modell's clerk just asked me if I'd like to "donate a dollar toward autism." I declined… #

Twitter Updates for 2010-04-05

Interesting NYT mag. story about lesbian albatrosses: http://nyti.ms/auMQ08 # Five+ miles into my run and ankle feels (mostly) pain-free!! I'm back, baby…. #

Twitter Updates for 2010-04-03

watching hungry komodo dragons tear apart a buffalo on Discovery Channel's #life program. Pretty great TV. # Now cheetahs are bringing down an ostrich. Jeepers. #life #