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halloween kitty

halloween kitty Originally uploaded by derek7272.

My costume from 1981.

a different photo

From my friend Dylan’s wedding this past June… I guess I wasn’t smiling in this photo either, but the groom’s grin more than makes up for it. Hundreds more pics here.

a matriarchal society?

Interesting quote in this NYT story on women’s purchasing power:

“We are perhaps on the first step to a matriarchal society; women will earn more money than men if current trends continue by 2028,” said Michael J. Silverstein of the Boston Consulting Group. “The trend has been escalating in the last 10 years as there […]

me before run

me before run Originally uploaded by derek7272.

I kinda like this picture of myself. The guy on the left is the president of the Flyers.


flyer brunch

bloggers.jpg Originally uploaded by derek7272.

I look a little asleep, huh? This is at the NY Flyer brunch following my running group’s group run that follows the last 10 miles of the NYC Marathon. Can you spot the other two bloggers?

So my training is now officially over!

Yesterday I watched a movie […]

questions, answered (part 2)

Okay, Hamptons, no more questions for you! But I’ll answer the ones you have posed. And if anyone (else) has more you have until the end of today (Friday) to get ’em in.

Monday: How tall are you? How long have you been running? Next planned trip to Western Canada?

Your question actually prompted me […]

questions, answered (part 1)

C’mon folks, you can do better than these questions! But here are the answers so far. If anyone has more questions, you have until Friday to get ’em in.

Tom: Hey Derek, Riddle me this: I’m a fellow reporter and I’d like to know how you landed your current job. How many yrs experience did […]

question me!

I can’t think of anything interesting to write today. So, ask me some questions in the comments and I’ll endeavor to answer them by the weekend.

running in the park

marathon tune up Originally uploaded by derek7272.

The big day is just two weeks away. I am going to run conservatively this time and not blow my wad in the first 12 miles.


‘Gentlemen prefer brains?’

I def. agree with this Julia Allison column:

And DEFINITELY stop insisting that men are ‘intimidated’ by your brains and earning power. They aren’t. …

“Men who perceive themselves as smart and successful are attracted to women they perceive to be smart and successful,” writes [Christine] Whelan. And yet, more than half the women surveyed […]

more modern love

I liked this Modern Love column too:

My friends and I were talking about love, about looking for it, finding it. Elana, who was single (and Jewish), announced with utter conviction that she would never be able to live with someone who wanted a Christmas tree in his house. Others nodded in agreement. I thought […]

when reporters have opinions

So some of you may have read recent reports that NYT reporter Linda Greenhouse gave a speech at Harvard over the summer saying, among other things, that U.S. policy has been hijacked by “religious fundamentalism.” “To say that these last few years have been dispiriting,” Greenhouse said, “is an understatement.”

Obviously, this led to a […]

‘Tiny tots get toted to school’

From today’s NYDN:

Tots toted to classes Head smart for rug rats BY D—- R— DAILY NEWS STAFF WRITER You’re never too old to learn – but can you be too young?

A Bayside, Queens, social worker is offering classes for babies not even a year old, promising they’ll make the tots smarter and better […]

‘modern love’

How good is the Times’ “Modern Love” column? I think it is my favorite regular feature in the Sunday Times. A story on breast milk is not the kind of thing I’d ever think I’d find interesting, but this was a great read. The end definitely brought a lump to my throat.

last long run

Drove up with Flygirl and did the Flyers’ Croton Reservoir Fall Foliage run this morning. 3:03 for 19.9 miles, or just over 9 minute pace. Very scenic with all these leaves just starting to turn. Gave me a good shot of confidence approaching the taper for NYCM. I didn’t train totally hard but feel … […]


I don’t want to make light of a grave situation. But like three years ago I got my then-girlfriend S. a stuffed bunny for Easter. (Or “around Eastertime,” I guess, it wasn’t really an Easter present). So of course I needed to name said bunny.

I was playing fantasy baseball at the time, and had […]

‘Fence Meets Wall of Skepticism’

The WP tallies the reasons why a fence along the Mexican border isn’t practical.

‘Yank pinstripes tossed in bargain bin’

Whoever wrote this story in today’s Daily News was obviously a creative genius… if only I could make out the byline…

They’re the most expensive team in baseball – but Yankee merchandise can now be had at dirt-cheap prices following the Bumbling Bombers’ humiliating early exit in the playoffs.

The only problem: Most people […]

gay bars are more fun

Okay so I am getting flack from my commenters about taking girls to gay bars. Not that I do this all the time, or often, but I have done so more than once. And I’ll do it again! Here’s why.

First, gay bars are more fun than straight bars. Unless you want to watch a […]

online dating help

Okay, so I’ve criticized online dating before as a waste of time… but my ego has been a little bit bruised lately after some stuff I don’t really want to get into. (Let’s just say I’ve been barking up a wrong tree??). So what the hell, I may as well throw my hat into the […]