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the downside of being skinny

Okay, so goal one is accomplished! Or half-accomplished. I have been <168 lbs. for a solid week. Actually I got down under 168 two weeks ago but then gorged at my Super Bowl party and was at 169.5. But now I am back on track. Part two of this first goal is to remain under […]

goals week 2

I am just getting this in under the wire! I promised to do one every week, and ideally this meant Monday or Tuesday. But maybe it is a good thing I am late. Part of the reason for the delay is that earlier I was v. discouraged on the whole diet front … I was […]


scale Originally uploaded by derek7272.

Hey, even though I fell off the wagon, I managed to get down below 170. Hurray for me! I probably sweated it all off, running has not been fun in this heat. I do feel I could stand to lose maybe a few more pounds, maybe get down to […]