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Twitter Updates for 2010-02-28

NPR, Center for Public Integrity ignored details in Laura Dunn alleged rape case – http://bit.ly/d1G83m #

Twitter Updates for 2010-02-27

I just unlocked the "Far Far Away" badge on @foursquare! http://4sq.com/ajXMSu # I'm at Perdition (692 Tenth Ave, btw 48th and 49th, New York). http://4sq.com/2VoUwJ #

NPR, Center for Public Integrity ignored details in University of Wisconsin alleged rape case

This week NPR and the Center for Public Integrity highlighted the case of Laura Dunn, a former University of Wisconsin student who says she was raped April 4, 2004, by two members of the men’s crew team. The case, which was picked up by a number of blogs, is said to show how campus judicial […]

Twitter Updates for 2010-02-24

http://twitpic.com/14xyyt – Getting my first-ever mani-pedi, at Nickel Day Spa for Men # Non-attachment versus passion – my take on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali — http://derekrose.org/?p=1711 #

detachment versus passion – my take on the Yoga Sutras

So one of the things we had to do for our yoga teacher training program is write a brief (one-page) essay on both books one and two and three and four of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, one of the classic yoga texts, perhaps written by Sri Patanjali anywhere from 5,000 B.C. to 300 A.D. […]

Twitter Updates for 2010-02-20

How dating preferences change with age – OKCupid mines its data. Long but v. interesting, slightly depressing. http://bit.ly/c2zO09 #

Twitter Updates for 2010-02-19

How a tomato timer is keeping me focused and on track: http://derekrose.org/?p=1706 #

hi y’all!

Hello! Yeah, I’m on an irregular posting schedule these days. You could say this blog is on life support. To some extent Facebook and Twitter have supplanted unfocused personal blogs like this one. But whatever, I still like having it out there as an outlet for me. Plus, without it where would all the people […]

Twitter Updates for 2010-02-04

really loving my new Brooks Glycerin 8s. #