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So marathons are funny things. If you don’t pay them the proper respect, they humble you. Last November I ran the New York City marathon and got crushed … started out way too fast on a hot day and spent the last six miles dragging my sorry ass to the finish line. People were […]

More Wonkette/Washingtonienne photos…

Okay, this story is kinda last week, but here is a link to Wonkette and Washingtonienne’s Fox News appearance.

It looks like my Extra appearance will be tomorrow night.

Note to self: Probably not a good idea to show up at television studio for interview when you’re coming directly from the gym and are still sweating a bit.

I’m going to be on Extra again! This time to discuss Bill Clinton’s success on the South Beach Diet! I imagine it’ll air tonight, but didn’t ask.

Another Washingtonienne photo

The Reliable Source also has more excerpts from Bill Cosby’s speech last week:

“I am talking about these people who cry when their son is standing there in an orange suit. Where were you when he was 2? Where were you when he was 12? Where were you when he was 18 and how […]

The Wonkette (Ana Marie Cox, left) and the Washingtonienne (Jessica Cutler)!

The Washington Post’s Richard Leiby also has an interviewwith the Washingtonieene, Jessica Cutler:

“Everything is true,” Cutler told us in an interview. “It’s so cliched. It’s like, ‘There’s a slutty girl on the Hill?’ There’s millions of ’em,” she said, laughing. “A lot of my friends are way worse than me.” …She seemed blase […]

Here’s an old picture of her


Hurray!!! New York One’s Rebecca Spitz, seriously injured in a car accident, is back! Get back to work soon Becky!!!

For several hours after the twin towers were collapsed on 9/11, NewYork City’s black deputy mayor ran the city while Rudy Giuliani wastrapped in a building, writes Stanley Crouch. Rudy Washingtonarranged air cover, ordered the bridges closed and started with thecleanup – and had the situation “as well in hand as possible” by thetime […]

This briefing transcript, conducted today, has everything you need to know about a military justice and court martial procedures. The thing to note is, it is entirely “on background,” meaning the presenter’s name is not noted. (reporters can only identify him as a “senior military lawyer”).

This is actually not all that extraordinary – […]

This is funny…

My old friend Kate M. has finally got ablog! I worked with her in New Hampshire ….

Jeez — doesn’t it seem like all the most interesting blogs disappear after getting a little publicity? Via Wonkette, here are the sordid sexual escapades of “Washingtonienne”, this supposed young Capitol Hill staffer …

Eesh. The hits just keep on coming. Two Iraqis working for Reuters sayU.S. forces forced them to “insert a finger into their anus and then lick it,” as well as forced into demeaning gestures and threatened them with deportation to Guantanamo.

Says Baghdad-based cameraman Salem Ureibi: “When I saw the Abu Ghraib photographs, I […]

There are a lot of weird conspiracy theories floating around the Internet regarding Nick Berg’s murder. (See here and here, for example).

I can’t answer all of them, but jeez, I don’t think it’s surprising there’s so few records about Berg’s company, Prometheus Methods Tower Service. It was very small and was headquartered at […]