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Twitter Updates for 2009-01-31

#idiotarod – 59th at bridge http://snipurl.com/b2875 # #idiotarod http://snipurl.com/b294b #

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Twitter Updates for 2009-01-30

is happy Varitek signed. #

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Twitter Updates for 2009-01-29

having a drink at the Austin airport before heading back to NYC. # is on AirTrain heading back to NYC. Home, sweet home. # is kinda cold at the Howard Beach station waiting for the A train. # is out drinking with Jon. #

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Twitter Updates for 2009-01-29

is out drinking in Austin. # is listening to live music in Austin. #

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Twitter Updates for 2009-01-26

is eating BBQ in Texas (original, i know) with his Dad and stepmom. #

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Twitter Updates for 2009-01-25

went for two hour run with Dylan in shorts and t-shirt to Brentwood and along Santa Monica pier. # is on a flight from LAX to Austin … his fifth city in five days! #

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Twitter Updates for 2009-01-25

went for two hour run with Dylan in shorts and t-shirt to Brentwood and along Santa Monica pier. # is on a flight from LAX to Austin … his fifth city in five days! #

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Twitter Updates for 2009-01-25

went for two hour run with Dylan in shorts and t-shirt to Brentwood and along Santa Monica pier. # is on a flight from LAX to Austin … his fifth city in five days! #

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Twitter Updates for 2009-01-24

is headed back from a cool trail run on Kenter Canyon with Dylan and Phoebe. # is checking out the graphic novels at Borders while Dyl goes shoe shopping with his wife. #

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Twitter Updates for 2009-01-24

is headed back from a cool trail run on Kenter Canyon with Dylan and Phoebe. # is checking out the graphic novels at Borders while Dyl goes shoe shopping with his wife. #

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Twitter Updates for 2009-01-24

is headed back from a cool trail run on Kenter Canyon with Dylan and Phoebe. # is checking out the graphic novels at Borders while Dyl goes shoe shopping with his wife. #

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Twitter Updates for 2009-01-23

is lost on the wynn. How do I get out of here???? # is shopping with the bachelorettes. # has left the bachelorette party and heading to LA # has been in LA for 45 minutes and just felt his first (mini) #eathquake! #

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Twitter Updates for 2009-01-22

is drinking at Jfk with k and e while they discuss the fake names they’ll use in vegas. # is in Vegas with the bachelorettes. # is Vegas, baby. Scored great suite at Venetian on Hotwire. Rejoining bachelorettes soon. #

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Twitter Updates for 2009-01-21

is home. #

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Twitter Updates for 2009-01-20

Watching the jumbotron at wwii memorial http://snipurl.com/af2ec # Much cheering for Obama #inaug09 http://snipurl.com/af2wn # Crowd Cheering Feinstein. Rick Warren got mild boos. #inaug09 http://snipurl.com/af3a9 # Wishing I didn’t have to take off gloves to type on iPhone. Cold! # Hey wait. It’s going to hit noon and Obama not sworn in yet. Disaster […]

Twitter Updates for 2009-01-19

In NJ driving down to DC with Jon. Inauguration here we come! # Making good progress en route to DC but snow intensifying http://snipurl.com/acnd4 # Just ran down to white house but couldn’t really see it http://snipurl.com/adezg #

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Twitter Updates for 2009-01-18

Hanging w/ puppies. #

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inauguration trip

So as a journalist my attitude is just to more to take a step back and watch history unfold than get involved with things like voting, marches, petitions, etc. And while I’m not going to pretend I have no political views, I don’t really consider myself a “political” person.

But… my good friend MM […]

before the ferries got there.

Cropped from this photo by grego.

is having chocolate and Champa…

is having chocolate and Champagne at New York’s best jewelers, Jack Vartanian.