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Gold’s gym

So since the start of the year I have been a member of the Gold’s Gym at 54th and Eight Ave. As part of my goal to review various things in Hell’s Kitchen, here is my review of Gold’s Gym.


stalk me!

I’m now displaying my dodgeball checkins (rss feed) in the top of the “sidebar” that runs along the right hand of this blog. If you’re not on Dodgeball yet and enjoy carousing in nyc, get on it. Basically it uses cell phones, text messaging and a Friendster-like interface to facilitate drinking with friends … thanks […]

sunday hangover

I totally got cell phone service (Verizon) on the C train from 59th to 34th St. this morning.

Last night went to this nightclub Cain which was quite fun. It had been a long time since I had been to a nyc club, actually. A good reminder, I was right in my assessment of the […]

‘motivated by fear’

This post by the IJC has prompted some interesting discussion on looks and dating.

The comment I liked best:

Even in New York, most men and women, hot or not, have little chance of dating someone whose financial, educational or social circumstances are very different from their own. Which is why slender, hot editorial assistants […]

snowflake pr and upset tummy

So imagine how well I would have done if I hadn’t been out drinking the night before? Well, it was still a 27-second PR, so I can’t complain. 25:57, a 6:29 pace. 258 out of 4707 runners; 225 of 2327 men. It was a good race and I felt strong the whole way out. Fended […]

the derek rose blog in the village voice

In this column by my friend Rachel Kramer Bussel:

But how do guys feel? My curiosity was sparked by blogger Derek Rose (derekrose.com), who’s looking for more of a “partner than a princess.” He’s fine with paying for the first date, and even the second, but “if a girl hasn’t offered to pay for anything […]


So I had always thought that it was I who broke up with S. last June, but she told me yesterday she considered the break-up “mutual and amicable” … that she knew how I’d react when she brought up the “m-word.” Huh. Kinda makes me feel less guilty about the whole thing.

I learned this […]

cartoon redux

So remember those cameraphone pictures I took of that Muslim cartoon protest that I posted on Flickr? Someone found them and (with my permission) used ’em in a video for Current.tv. You can watch it here, it’s not bad.

some photos

Here’s a better picture of me on C-Span. (Thanks Jon!). If you’re dying to see the video, it can be found here (Requires Realplayer; you can find help here. My segment is an hour in).

There are also some bachelor party photos (v. tame!) here, as well as another C-Span shot here.

What do […]

i get comments

Comments continue to trickle in on some of my more interesting posts. All are automatically emailed to me, so I don’t miss any of them, but I don’t want my readers to, either. Check out:

T.A.B.: “If I give an engagement ring, I expect a big-screen Plasma TV and a computer in return.“ Adeel Iqbal: […]

mohammed cartoons, take 2

I have a letter up on Romenesko. Here is the version with links.

Another day, another two newspapers — the Village Voice and the Emerson College Beacon — have chosen to run the Mohammed cartoons. So now over 135 newspapers newspapers throughout Europe, the United States, Australia and New Zealand have printed the cartoons, according […]

race schedule

Lots of upcoming races. I have put together a schedule that tries to avoid racing consecutive weekends while getting in the club points races and the half-marathons. Here are the races I’ve signed up for:

NYRR Al Gordon Snowflake 4-Mile – Saturday NYRR Half-Marathon Grand Prix: Brooklyn – March 18 Scotland Run 10K – April […]

and speaking of bachelors…

So I kind of always thought our little sister Meredith would be the first of the Rose siblings to settle down … but on Valentine’s Day my brother Evan beat her to the punch and proposed to his girlfriend Jenny, who is quite cool. (He then jumped on a plane to New Zealand, so we […]

…stays in vegas

So got in last night. Flying out of Islip is very easy and hassle-free. The party was very fun … 11 guys in Vegas, five of whom went to college together. It was an appropriate end to Dylan’s legendary bachelorhood, I think. I feel like I have had my lifetime fill of debauchery, not that […]

Passed out

Passed out Originally uploaded by derek7272.

Just glad i didn’t end up like this guy. Not even really hungover. Went for short run earlier.

The groom

The groom Originally uploaded by derek7272.

Me on c-span

Me on c-span Originally uploaded by derek7272.

Repeats at midnight sat

Bachelor party day one

Bachelor party day one Originally uploaded by derek7272.

I am having good time… But v. unimpressed w/ vegas nightlife. My female readers may be happy to learn there is two+ guys for every girl at dance clubs here!

At shooting range

At shooting range Originally uploaded by derek7272.

Such fun… 38 special

Live-blogging the bachelor party

Live-blogging the bachelor party Originally uploaded by derek7272.

I’m in vegas…