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How the various players traded and not re-signed by the BoSox are doing these days, roughly ordered by how well they’re doing.
Nomar Garciaparra. .362 avg/.427 obp/.606 slg with 5 HR, 34 RBI. He’s played 33 games at first base for the the Dodgers and has a better slugging percentage than either Big Papi or […]
retirement poem Originally uploaded by derek7272.
Here’s something else my father sent me – a copy of the poem my grandfather got when he retired from the Five Cent Savings Bank. Pretty sweet, eh?
P.S. If anyone cares, some pics of my grandparents here.
It rocks! Went to a midnight show last night with Alexis and the Post’s Robert George, whom I ran into at Rudy’s while going to catch up with Alice, my latest dodgeball friend.
“The Last Stand’ lacks the subtlety of the first two movies … not that those were all that subtle, but this is […]
running in the park Originally uploaded by derek7272.
I guess even as a kid, I liked running in the park!
My father has been going through some boxes from his parents, who died about 15 years ago. He found these post cards/telegrams, scanned ’em, and sent them along:
Here’s a challenge for you.
I found a series of letters from Grandpa to Grandma — some from before they were married some after. The ones in […]
Fun little story on the Palm steakhouse, which is celebrating its 80th birthday today. I admit I was skeptical when my editor assigned it, having only been to the Palm in D.C. There’s a lot more history to this one…
From the AP:
TRENTON, N.J. – For young women with a world of choices, even that monthly curse, the menstrual period, is optional.
Thanks to birth control pills and other hormonal contraceptives, a growing number of women are taking the path chosen by 22-year-old Stephanie Sardinha.
She hasn’t had a period since she was […]
41:20 in the Healthy Kidney 10K this morning. Went out a bit too hard — did the first half in 19:51. That’s not a total bonk, but it’s not a smart race either. Looking at the results of the runners who ran a minute to 90 seconds faster than me, an awful lot of […]
Thanks to colleague Jess Wisloski, here’s a list of NYP parking spaces. (spaces you can park if you NY press plates) (link fixed now, sorry)
So I have really been loving biking in the city. My best friend lives in Chelsea, I work in Chelsea, it’s all very convenient by bike to Hell’s Kitchen. However I learned the hard way yesterday that you should be very very careful when biking on the sidewalk. Was coming north on 10th (toward the […]
And I am here to review them all for you. Saturday I stopped into Circus, a new bar at Ninth and 43rd. However we did not stay. It is much the same scene as Rudy’s, just nearby: a dive with free hotdogs and cheap beer. Fun, but I guess we felt too old for it. […]
Gina Kolata on why lactic acid is good for you.
The Mofo is using Craigslist to organize a trip to Cerro Aconcagua, a 23,000-foot mountain on the border of Argentina and Chile:
We are a group of three experienced high-altitude hikers living in Boston, and we’re looking to round up a few more like-minded people to go and climb it.
Basically, we figure that by […]
Okay, so my David Blaine interview for today wasn’t killed … just chopped into a two-sentence brief. Bleah, it wasn’t like I had the print exclusive … oh wait, I did.
Anyway, no sour grapes, here’s the story I had written:
By DEREK ROSE David Blaine admitted yesterday he botched the preparation for his […]
queens2006-0 Originally uploaded by derek7272.
Toward the finish.
After the jump, you can see how the woman the orange top and black shorts almost nipped me at the end.
I don’t know about you guys, but I’m excited…
Sign at Rufus bar in Hell’s Kitchen.
Editors decided not to run this little story as people were losing interest. Oh well.
By DEREK ROSE David Blaine checked himself out of the hospital against medical advice early yesterday, hours after being pulled semiconscious from his water-filled plastic sphere.
So White Dade has a post on Jewish girls that is rather opposite to mine:
I think Derek Rose may have written one once, but I am hard pressed to find any praise being doled out for Jewish girls that does not involve oral sex. …
I will say that I have avoided Jewish girls […]
Latest Rundown, up and running.
My little scooplet from today:
Bubble trouble Blaine chain stunt in doubt as he shows signs of wear BY DEREK ROSE DAILY NEWS STAFF WRITER
After seven days in a water-filled sphere, David Blaine may not be able to pull off chain stunt during prime time tonight. A crucial element of tonight’s grand finale of […]
observations / humor
Red Sox