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mr. doggie

I saw this skit on “Little Britain USA”, a new sketch comedy show on HBO. “Mr. Doggie” is a Blenheim Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, just like the puppy I recently puppy-sat … I told Kaylie’s owners that this is what she’ll be like when she gets bigger…


kaylie in her dallas cap

kaylie loves romo Originally uploaded by derek7272

Who knew puppies were such a huge fan of Monday Night Football? Kalie is a huge Dallas supporter and picked them to beat the spread. She also thought that pass interference call on Anthony Henry in the first quarter was horse#@*. I asked her how, being just […]

kaylie — day 1

So I am in possession of the cutest little puppy! Got her yesterday and will be puppy-sitting I think until next Thursday. On Wednesday we went to a doggy run. I had to step in to defend Kaylie’s virginity and honor a little bit from the bigger boy doggies. Right now she is sleeping […]

happiness is a warm puppy

Little Kaylie McCay all snuggly in my lap during this weekend’s drive to Boston… Originally uploaded by derek7272

—- Sent using a Sony Ericsson mobile phone.



kaylie mccay Originally uploaded by derek7272

So from Sept. 10-18 I will be taking care of this cute-as-can-be Cavalier King Charles Spaniel puppy, Kaylie McCay. Who was imported from Ireland! And is just about three months old! And is not completely housebroken!

That that last one was proven tonight as my friends K. and […]