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Dylan tribute

So as I listened to listened to everyone toast and roast Dylan at his wedding last weekend, I sorta wanted to say something myself. After all he is one of my best friends. However, I had nothing prepared, am not good at speaking extemporaneously nor that good at revealing my emotions. Plus, did everyone at […]

me on cape cod

me on cape cod Originally uploaded by derek7272.

let’s go red sox!

wedding cupcakes

wedding cupcakes Originally uploaded by derek7272.

I am in Boston after spending three days in Cape Cod without Internet access, so apologies if I haven’t answered anyone’s email. I have a story from the wedding to share, however it will have to wait. Until then I wanted to show these yummy wedding cupcakes, which […]

getting old

So this weekend I am off to western Massachusetts to be a groomsman in Dylan’s wedding. Dylan is one of my two best friends, a real guy’s guy and ladies’ man. And he’s settling down! Crazy.

Then I’ll be in Cape Cod for a few days before coming back for the weekend and my […]

bad blogger

Sorry I’ve been such a sucky blogger. Been busy with work and secret projects. I did want to say I had a very bloggy weekend. Met Curly Su on Friday, finally, and I took her for her first run in Central Park. On our way there we ran into Chelle walking down 10th Ave., by […]


_DSC7849 Originally uploaded by brianvan.

Eating burgers at the cupcake girl’s burgers and cupcakes event Friday

down with hpv

The FDA approved the HPV vaccine Gardasil today. HPV, the human papilloma virus, is the most common sexually transmitted disease in the U.S.

HPV can cause cervical cancer and genital warts; the four HPV strains the vaccine protects against are responsible for 70% of all cases of cervical cancer and 90% of genital warts. Some […]

prof thom’s bar review

I’m taking credit for suggesting Alexis review Prof. Thom’s for the Village Voice. The article went online yesterday and will be in this week’s Voice:

“We can wear our hats here, and not worry about obnoxious Yankee fans,” one Red Sox–lovin’ barfly confided to me at Professor Thom’s. The Yanks battled the Sox on the […]

the mouse

I was not going to tell the story of this mouse because I knew my evil blog-commenters would ridicule me. However, after reading Karyn Bosnak’s mouse-story I figured I would go ahead and tell mine anyway.

Basically Monday I am reading in bed when I see something stirring. I look up and see a mouse […]

‘secrets of sexual attraction’

The Post had an interesting article, reprinted from New Scientist magazine, that looked at picking a mate from a scientific perspective:

As a scientist studying human behavior, I am not too surprised by the mysterious nature of how we go about choosing a partner. Mate selection is a highly complex process. We are consciously aware […]