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A University of New Hampshire junior of has been kicked out of English class after keeping a livejournal where he wrote “about gouging his teacher’s eyes out with his penis,” a newspaper I used to work for reports. The guy’s blog is here, but the content has been removed; excerpts here. What a dick idiot. […]
Some photos from last weekend’s race….
I did 17 in the park today but felt weak. WEAK. (to paraphrase an email thisfish sent me this week). 55:03 & 1:01:21 for the first two six-mile loops, then 56:59 for the last five. What was the matter with me???
what a great front page! talk about a dramatic photo…
(i had nothing to do with it — wasn’t even working yesterday)
Hey — I’ve been syndicated!
Alt-News.com is a alternative news aggregation service that pulls together some of the best stories on the web that you are not likely to see by crusing the mainstream media – and you don’t have to spend time trying to find the best of the blogsphere – we’ve compiled […]
So following some positive feedback, I am going ahead with this “carnival of the runners” idea.
If you’re not familar with the “carnival of … ” idea, check out the Carnival of the NBA, or the Carnival of Tomorrow, or Blog Mela (India-related posts).
If you’d like to be included in the carnival, send your […]
I was actually at this competitive-eating event at the Friar’s Club last week where Eric “Badlands” Booker broke his own matzo-ball eating world record. Can’t find the story I wrote about it online, alas, but one of the contestants has published this story about her experience.
“Newspapers struggle to avoid their own obit,” writes the Christian Science Monitor. George Will call us “as anachronistic as the clatter of horses’ hooves on urban cobblestones.”
Glenn Reynolds, Jeff Jarvis and Jay Rosen all wonder if we’re at a “tipping point” — or maybe, as Jarvis puts it, a “melting point.”
In the Observer, […]
So I think many bloggers are familiar with these “carnival of the recipes,” “carnival of the cats,” etc. … basically a weekly roundup or showcase of the “best-of” posts on a particular topic. (There is a Catholic Carnival, a carnival for gun lovers, etc.)
I was thinking of starting one for running — basically […]
Good Christ. I mean, WTF?
I think Baltimore has shot at the pennant this year … and the Yankees could be a .500 team. Don’t laugh — I really think it’s possible.
I wasn’t even angry watching the Sox blow this lead again. I almost expected it.
Just hope Celtics do better Thursday…
I don’t know much about this, other than what is announced here. Interesting.
NEW YORK–(BUSINESS WIRE)–April 26, 2005–Bravo has inked a deal with Hearst Entertainment, Inc. to produce six, one-hour episodes of the first documentary series set in the newsroom of one of the nation’s largest newspapers, it was announced today by Lauren Zalaznick, president […]
So I guess I can chalk up my sluggish Harlem hill repeats last week to the cold I was coming down with. This morning: 7:37, 7:50, 7:50. Not as good as two weeks ago, but I’m still a little sniffly.
My friend Renee told me the other day the real way to do the loops […]
Jon Segal’s column about running the Big Sur Marathon is online here. And Ken Ottmar’s is here:
When I hit Point Lobos at Mile 24, a man and a woman who had to be in their early 70s passed me. Normally, I would have been very demoralized. But quite the opposite happened. I began imagining […]
The big boys made it.
Ken Ottmar finished the Big Sur Marathon in 6:06; Jon Segal in 5:06:44. “It was really hard,” writes Jon, “harder than I would have believed had anyone told me.”
Congratulations, guys. For as long as you live, you can tell people — I ran a marathon.
So this morning still felt under the weather and sniffly, but not as bad as yesterday.
Went out and proved it by setting a PR in the race. 26:24 net, 26:33 official, good for 263 out of 3868 finishers (and 234 out of 2173 men). My previous PR for four miles was 26:47, set in […]
Running reporters and bloggers Jon and Ken have been training for months to take on the Big Sur Marathon.
Sunday they take on their goal.
G’luck guys.
I liked their final prerace columns, particularly Jon Segal’s:
[F]or now, the other stuff in my life is left playing second banana like […]
Today is a bleah day in NYC which matches how I feel: BLEAH.
I have some kind of bug or cold. Cough cough. Just feel run down.
What timing — doesn’t my body know I have a race tomorrow?
I’ve still been running, but not so hard or far. (I felt inspired by Eliterunning.com […]
Wikinews, the collaborative news site by the Wikipedia folks, has a Q&A interview of Emily Levan, the top U.S. woman’s finisher in the Boston Marathon on Monday.
I’m guessing the author isn’t a big runner, perhaps not a runner at all, but it’s a cool interview that goes into Levan’s training:
And how many miles […]
Funniest email that didn’t make it into my story, from Elizabeth Spiers, editor of Mediabistro:
Hey Derek –
Are you asking me if my blog gets me laid? Well, yesterday I blogged a fake prospectus for a magazine IPO. You’d think men would be beating down my door after that sort of thing, but […]
Okay, the “blogger romance” story I mentioned earlier has been written and — last I checked — was in an editor’s queue. It may run tomorrow; it may be held for a bit. It is not the greatest piece of journalism ever but I don’t think it totally sucks either. But we’ll let the blogosphere […]
Are you a blogger? Have you ever met one of your fans in “real-life” and hit it off? Or are you a blog-reader and dated someone you met because of their blog?
Would you be interested in being in a newspaper?
Basically, I have been assigned to write a story about “blogger romance” … […]
observations / humor
Red Sox