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owl after all

I did the owl story after all! Big spread on page 7. We used Lloyd Spitalnik’s great owl photo, at left. Between the owl and the premature ejaculation, this has been a good week.

Right now I am at work for the 13th day in a row … need that overtime cash.


minute men

So today I had this story on page 10, right next to a story about a 6-foot-3 transsexual cop in Oklahoma City. From my story:



It may not have been romantic, but they did it for science.

A group of 166 men suffering from premature ejaculation repeatedly […]

Denis Leary

This is awful funny … Denis Leary’s Comedy Central Mastercard Red Sox commercial spoof.

me and my hat

I guess I need to get a less silly hat, huh? Taken today by NYDN photog Rob Bennett.

very strange

Matt Welsh claims to have had a weird non-sexual dream about me!

earthquake & killer tsunamis

So the earthquake was felt all over the world, including Central Park:(Click the chart for the complete data)Columbia University’s Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory has a sensor buried there by the 96th St. traverse, apparently.

Real time data is here; select “short form” under frequency and “CPNY” under station to view the Central Park information.

The earthquake hit […]

running report

There’s good news and bad news on the running front. The good is that despite the recent drop in temperatures, I’ve run 19 of the last 20 days, and one I missed I lifted at the gym.

The bad is 0 of those 19 runs have been for longer than six miles – I haven’t […]

when poodles attack

I spent today interviewing this guy whose mother — a spry 88-year-old — was killed by her grandson in Crown Heights Christmas Eve. (Today’s story here). Apparently after the murder the grandson called 911 and confessed, saying he thought his grandmother was trying to poison him. Everyone in the building said she was an […]


Saw the most amazing sight in Central Park this morning: a boreal owl. I know nothing about birding, but there were a bunch of people pointing telescopes at a large pine tree by Tavern on the Green as I was about to go on a five-mile run, so of course I wandered over. You […]

seeya later ortega

I wanna know that you’ll tell meI love to stayTake me to the river, drop me in the waterPush me in the river, dip me in the water

–Talking Heads.

So for the past four years I’ve had the good fortune to sit next to fellow general assignment reporter Ralph Ortega, whose final […]


My friend and former co-worker Matt Kelly had a piece published in the Boston Globe’s Ideas section over the weekend:

MASSACHUSETTS HAS a tough reputation to live down with the rest of the nation: loony-left liberals, lousy drivers, failed presidential candidates. To top it all off, everyone thinks we’re cheap bastards, too.

Blame the Generosity […]

overreaction in minneapolis

This struck me as really extreme.

A Star Tribune reporter was disciplined Thursday after he disclosed that he wrote an e-mail to a Minneapolis police official that contained racially insensitive language.

David Chanen, a police reporter, told editors that he used the term “colored officers” in an e-mail sent Wednesday to Minneapolis Police Inspector Donald […]

Make Time for Time

Time magazine is reporting that Spc. Thomas “Jerry” Wilson came up with his question for Secretary Rumsfeld on his own — and that Chattanooga Times Free Press reporter Edward Lee Pitts had had urged Wilson to come up with “intelligent questions.” After Wilson showed his question to Pitts, the reporter simply “suggested a less […]

Holiday 4-miler

So 27:36 – 6:54 pace – in the NYRR Holiday Four Mile run this morning. Much better than last week’s debacle, but having run nearly a minute faster in another four-mile race last month, I was somewhat disappointed. My time was also four seconds slower than I did in the July 24, 2004 Central […]


so i have received my buyout offer in the mail today that that Other New York Tabloid has been reporting about. It’s being offered to all the Daily News editorial employees – basically we have until Jan. 3 to decide whether to apply. For those of us like myself who have worked at the […]


So after Sunday’s debacle I was determined to improve my running training. I dug up my Polar heart rate monitor transmitter, which I hadn’t been using in months and months, and strapped it to my chest. I headed out the door a half hour early, to give myself more time to run.

Now, backtrack a […]

bon voyage

CBS & taxpayers union

CBS can’t make anyone happy these days! A number of blogs (here, here, here, here, here and here) are attacking the network for a brief segment they did last week on Social Security. In the course of the story, CBS “fail[ed] to properly identify a typical man on the street as the National Taxpayers […]

lani and the nanny

The Blue Mass Group blog has a post about how Lani Guinier has been characterized as having had a “nanny problem”, just like Bernie Kerik. (Stories here, here and here, just for starters).

Only the press is confusing Guinier with Zoe Baird and Kimba Wood. I went back on Nexis and read some of […]

Pedro bye-bye?

Boston media is reporting that Pedro and the Mets have agreed to terms. “It appears Pedro Martinez has pitched his final game in a Red Sox uniform,” reports Boston.com.

Larry Lucchino tells the AP, “He will be missed, and we are disappointed to have lost him to the Mets and the National League.”

I wonder, though […]