Jenny lake Originally uploaded by derek7272
Jenny lake … Went for a kayak around her sister leigh lake today …. Beautiful
—- Sent using a Sony Ericsson mobile phone.
Jenny lake Originally uploaded by derek7272 Jenny lake … Went for a kayak around her sister leigh lake today …. Beautiful —- Sent using a Sony Ericsson mobile phone. […] Red SOX nation Originally uploaded by derek7272 So jackson hole is definetly part of ‘red sox nation’! Who woulda thunk it. I am sitting at bar loosely affiliated with my motel motel – abs. Packed – and it is all decked out in boSOX gear. But that’s not all. Red SOX on radio! Fm […] Hello all i am at jackson lodge in grand Originally uploaded by derek7272 Hello all i am at jackson lodge in grand teton filling out postcards after massive 25-mile hike around shoshone lake yesterday and day before. This is view from lodge’s ‘great room’ with 3 story windows. More later … […] Chicago! Originally uploaded by derek7272 So Chicago is cool …. This is the first time I’d been here in summer. (Ran the Chicago Marathon in October 2000 and visited then-girlfriend S.’ family a couple times.) On saturday though i got up early and ran along Lake Michigan, did yoga and pilates in this outdoor […] Hello my homophobic blog-readers! Afraid of a few pictures of shapley male behinds. I am in Chicago where the weather is just gorgeous … so much nicer than muggy Noo Yawk. Went for a run in Grant Park and along the lake this morning and last night I went to the Billy Goat, this subterranean […] So the NY Daily News, the paper I used to write for, has a five-photo gallery of a naked rugby game in Dunedin, the smallish New Zealand city where I lived for four years. The game was played on St. Kilda Beach, which I think is right near where my sister lives. The game involved […] finasteride Originally uploaded by derek7272 So I have been taking Propecia for about a year to try and combat my receding hairline. Which is not terribly receding, but I wanted to nip it in the bud, y’know? I really should have taken before-and-after photos to compare, but I believe there has been some hair […] So sometimes people ask me for advice about joining a New York City running club. For those of you who don’t know, in NYC the New York Road Runners serves as an umbrella organization, organizing most races including the ING NYC Marathon, and then most runners also choose to belong to a smaller club. […] |
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