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Marathon Update: Derek Rose at Finish in 3:54:19

ING New York City Marathon Athlete Alert for Derek Rose (race number 22060)

Derek Rose has finished the ING New York City Marathon in 3:54:19. Congratulations! If you are meeting this person at family reunion, please be mindful that it could take up to 30 minutes for him or her to get there.

Note that […]

Marathon Update: Derek Rose at Finish in 3:54:19

ING New York City Marathon Athlete Alert for Derek Rose (race number 22060)

Derek Rose has finished the ING New York City Marathon in 3:54:19. Congratulations! If you are meeting this person at family reunion, please be mindful that it could take up to 30 minutes for him or her to get there.

Note that […]

Marathon Update: Derek Rose at Finish in 3:54:19

ING New York City Marathon Athlete Alert for Derek Rose (race number 22060)

Derek Rose has finished the ING New York City Marathon in 3:54:19. Congratulations! If you are meeting this person at family reunion, please be mindful that it could take up to 30 minutes for him or her to get there.

Note that […]

Marathon Update: Derek Rose at 20 Miles in 2:42:16

ING New York City Marathon Athlete Alert for Derek Rose (race number 22060)

20 Miles: 2:42:16 Pace per mile: 8:06 Projected finishing time: 3:32:34

Thank you for using the ING New York City Marathon Athlete Alert presented by Road Runner High Speed Online. The ING New York City Marathon is the premier event of New […]

Marathon Update: Derek Rose at 20 Miles in 2:42:16

ING New York City Marathon Athlete Alert for Derek Rose (race number 22060)

20 Miles: 2:42:16 Pace per mile: 8:06 Projected finishing time: 3:32:34

Thank you for using the ING New York City Marathon Athlete Alert presented by Road Runner High Speed Online. The ING New York City Marathon is the premier event of New […]

Marathon Update: Derek Rose at Halfway point in 1:44:08

ING New York City Marathon Athlete Alert for Derek Rose (race number 22060)

Halfway point: 1:44:08 Pace per mile: 7:56 Projected finishing time: 3:28:16

Thank you for using the ING New York City Marathon Athlete Alert presented by Road Runner High Speed Online. The ING New York City Marathon is the premier event of New […]

Marathon Update: Derek Rose at 10 Kilometers in 49:03

ING New York City Marathon Athlete Alert for Derek Rose (race number 22060)

10 Kilometers: 49:03 Pace per mile: 7:54 Projected finishing time: 3:27:16

Thank you for using the ING New York City Marathon Athlete Alert presented by Road Runner High Speed Online. The ING New York City Marathon is the premier event of New […]

Marathon Update: Derek Rose at 10 Kilometers in 49:03

ING New York City Marathon Athlete Alert for Derek Rose (race number 22060)

10 Kilometers: 49:03 Pace per mile: 7:54 Projected finishing time: 3:27:16

Thank you for using the ING New York City Marathon Athlete Alert presented by Road Runner High Speed Online. The ING New York City Marathon is the premier event of New […]

Marathon Update: Derek Rose at 10 Kilometers in 49:03

ING New York City Marathon Athlete Alert for Derek Rose (race number 22060)

10 Kilometers: 49:03 Pace per mile: 7:54 Projected finishing time: 3:27:16

Thank you for using the ING New York City Marathon Athlete Alert presented by Road Runner High Speed Online. The ING New York City Marathon is the premier event of New […]