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The Orinoco River delta & the Warao Indians

This will likely be my last post about Venezuela — last but not least, though. Our trip to the Orinoco River delta was definitely the high point of the trip. Originally C. and I had just planned to hang out on the beach: on Margarita Island (pop. 100,000, a “free port” with hotels and bars) […]

c’s venezuela pics

You can see ’em here.

happy easter

One of the things we did in Venezuela was stop in this Pedernales, a tiny one-car fishing village in the Delta Orinoco. It seemed like about a third of the town’s residents were around for a procession through the center of town that involved this child playing a Roman centurion enthusiastically whipping “Jesus”, his teacher. […]

‘Of ware-selling Resident Cats and their machismo tendencies’

More from C:

We arrived on Monday to Isla de Margarita and sped across the island to reach Playa El Agua, a sandy beach with rolling waves and groves of coconut trees away from the water providing a respite from the hot sun. Lining the road, vendors were selling local art, necklaces, t-shirts with the […]

‘What a dog wants’

C wrote this about our trip earlier:

We arrived last night in the dark and sped down the highway in our Big Black SUV Taxi, past shiny American cars, rattling public buses, and one pickup filled with bright-eyed teens in the back. After fifteen minutes, we took a turn and rumbled down narrow roads toward […]

tidbits about venezuela

I’m back — ugh, what weather — and will be posting more about my trip over the next few days. Here are some tidbits:

Everyone was very, very nice and friendly. Despite the tensions between our two governments, no signs of anti-Americanism at all. C was not shy about telling people we were from Nuevo […]


I jiggled my fishing rod up and down in the water, like the others were doing. Piranhas are attracted to noise, and here I was fishing for one with a slender stick of wood and an attached line.

I felt something on my line. Was the lure hitting the river bottom? I raised the line […]

river trip

Multimedia message Originally uploaded by derek7272.

We have just been on a tropical island so far. But tomorrow we are getting up at 4 a.m. to take plane into the jungle. The tour guide operator gave us a list of things to take, then said we didn’t need one item on the list, flashlights. […]

mysteries of venezuela

A beer at Perdition for anyone who can answer either of these two questions. (You must come to HK to claim).

1. Why are there so many freakin’ Germans here in Venezuela? A lot of the signs and tourist information is in Spanish and German. C and I had dinner at a faux German restaurant […]

beach photo

Multimedia message Originally uploaded by derek7272.

It is super chill here … Yesterday was rainy but today nice … Just went for run along beach and now waiting for pizza.


cab ride with c

Multimedia message Originally uploaded by derek7272.

So i am writing and hopefully posting this message to y’all from a cab in Venezuela … My phone works fine here! Internet acess and everything.
