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So we’ve won 10 of 11, 13 of 16 and 16 of the last 20 … and still have the Angels breathing down our necks. How big is next week’s series?

Jeez … NBC’s not showing coverage of the men’s triathlon until 12:30 a.m.??? Boo…

I have a number of Gmail invitations … coolest email system ever … anyone want one?

Why Manny Ramirez is my favorite Red Sox.

This is just silly … Philadelphia Eagles receiver Terrell Owens tells Playboy, regarding rumors former teammate Jeff Garcia is gay: “Like my boy tells me: ‘If it looks like a rat and smells like a rat, by golly, it is a rat.’”

The Times then writes, in a straight news story, that Owens is […]

Cool NYT articleon what makes someone an elite runner.