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crossfit drama…

I really like going to Crossfit NYC, but sometimes there can be a lot of drama associated with its message boards..

words of power

There are some words and phrases that I feel are good to unlock those last few ergs of power; that are good for pushing yourself through the last repetition while lifting or on through the final leg of a hard run.

I’m sure you all know what I’m talking about.

Some of my favorites:


‘Is your workout wasting your time?’

So I have been working out at gyms since about 1997 or so … but have definitely seen more results in the past eight months doing Crossfit than I have in the past decade. There’s a good article here from BestLife magazine that is worth reading:

Critics also charge that a traditional machine-centric regimen has […]

crossfit gang

Here’s some of the gang from my lunchtime Crossfit classes (with me on the right, A2 on the left, Allison third from left, and Marisela fourth from right left). A good group of people!

Tags: crossfit


12 days of christmas workout

This was today’s workout:

One Handstand Pushup

Two Rocking Pistols, One Handstand Pushup

Three Ring Dips, Two Rocking Pistols, One Handstand Pushup

Four Walking Lunges, Three Ring Dips, Two Rocking Pistols, One Handstand Pushup

Five Medball Cleans, Four Walking Lunges, Three Ring Dips, Two Rocking Pistols, One Handstand Pushup

Six Box Jumps, Five Medball Cleans, […]

more crossfit photos…

Thanks to Allison …