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‘A singles map of the United States of America’

Interesting story from the Boston Globe on male-female ratios in American cities:

It’s not just that some places have more singles than others. If you’re a single man or a single woman the odds of meeting that special someone vary dramatically across the country.

By far, the best places for single men are the […]


My baseball draft on ESPN.com. Rot. league, 10 players, I had the fifth pick. I think people can check out the league here, but here’s my draft.

5. Johan Santana, NYM 16. Jake Peavy, SD another pitcher – my strategy was get big-name pitchers early. 25. Carlos Lee, Hou 36. Brian Roberts, Bal good speed […]

20 miles

Twenty miles in Rockefeller State Park this morning. It was about 3:03 so just over a 9-minute mile pace. Ran with a female teammate with the Flyers who has a GPS thingee; in the end we were doing lake-loops to be sure we got in 20 miles. I can see how those things can make […]


Via the NYT, here’s the Myspace page of “Kristen,” the girl in the Spitzer scandal…

kinda harsh….


‘An Enduring Measure of Fitness: The Simple Push-Up’

Interesting NYT article on push-ups:

As a symbol of health and wellness, nothing surpasses the simple push-up. …

The push-up is the ultimate barometer of fitness. It tests the whole body, engaging muscle groups in the arms, chest, abdomen, hips and legs. It requires the body to be taut like a plank with toes […]

NJ Marathon

Dear Derek Rose:

Congratulations, you’re officially registered for the 12th annual New Jersey Marathon (NJM) scheduled for Sunday, May 4, 2008.

If you happen to live in New Jersey or are passing thru on business please check-out the great long-distance training runs regularly scheduled by the state running club, NJRRC on their site at www.njrrc.org. […]

goals 2008 week 11

Okay, so my father requested an update on how I am doing on those New Year’s resolutions. In truth I have been a little lax on the updates. After achieving my weight one, I maybe slacked off a bit. Also my trainers at Crossfit told me I should stop doing sit-ups for awhile as my […]

online dating cliches

So after awhile taking a break from the whole dating scene I have decided to put myself “back on the market.” Which has meant, among other things, reactivating my online dating profile and in fact signing up for a new dating service. (Yes, I’m not Jewish. But hey, as I’ve said before, I seem to […]