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gender differences in elite running

So my short post on Boston qualifying times inspired a post by Alison, which then led to this whole big debate on the Boston qualifying times. I generally agree with Alison, but I’m not so sure on this one point:

Not to open another can of worms, but I firmly believe that men’s running […]

latest rundown up


nyc running blog directory

So many people are creating running blogs, I decided there should be a directory of the NYC running bloggers.

latest rundown, up and running

It’s here.

“the running red sox fan”

Someone’s trying to steal my schtick!

a challenge

I just laid down the gauntlet with a challenge to Beast over the upcoming NYC marathon. He beat me by just over a minute in the last race we ran together, Grete’s, but I had run six miles before the race … while he had gone on a big swim the day before. If you […]

Joel Hinrichs and the blogs

From the WSJ:

WHEN A JUNIOR at the University of Oklahoma blew himself up 100 yards away from a packed football stadium on Oct. 1, the 85,000 fans inside remained calm despite the loud explosion.

But the calm has given way to anxiety, as the college town of Norman, Okla., has struggled to separate fact […]

the 10,000 katrina dead

Overall I think a lot of the media criticism in the wake of Hurricane Katrina has been a little overwraught. Yes certain news organizations erred by reporting unverified rumors and speculation. Most of the U.S. press did not, however.

Certain members of the blogosphere seem keen to spread their own misinformation. For example, John Hinderaker […]

The Rundown: Chicago Marathon edition

So welcome to the Rundown, a special Chicago Marathon edition … a roundup of selected blog-posts on last weekend’s race.

Married mom Through Th3 Wall was spurred on by friends:

My friends appeared from the air at mile 25.2 …“Over the hill! You’re almost there! Over this bridge, just cross this bridge and you’re there!!! […]

blogworld conference

So I guess just about all the big names in the blogworld are in my building today, attending this “We Media” conference. The conference’s official blog is here.


The latest Rundown is up and running.

latest rundown

Latest Rundown is up and running.

latest Rundown

Up and running here.

Also, Citizen Frank discusses training in the Green Zone here, as well as declares his intention to qualify for the Boston Marathon here.

latest rundown, up and running

It’s here. Be sure to check out the rest of Beast’s great blog, such as his story of his swim to Hoffman Island.

Bias? What bias? (seriously)

Michelle Malkin and a lot of bloggers see bias in this Reuters story (originally erroneously blamed on CNN):

WASHINGTON (Reuters) — Companies with ties to the Bush White House and the former head of FEMA are clinching some of the administration’s first disaster relief and reconstruction contracts in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.

At least […]


“The latest nefarious liberal scheme: reporting.” Julian Sanchez:

Instapundit appears to think that this is a clever point:

THE PRESS WANTS TO SHOW BODIES from Katrina. It didn’t want to show bodies, or jumpers, on 9/11, for fear that doing so would inflame the public.

I can only conclude that this time around, the […]

bloggy week

This has been a bloggy week for me. On Wednesday I went to a Jinx Magazine debate on whether big box stores are good for New York, and Megan McArdle was one of the debaters. (She kicked butt) Yesterday I attended a Katrina benefit; Stephanie Klein, Heather Hunter and Benjamin Wagner were present. Photos are […]

latest Rundown

The latest Rundown is up and running.

the idiotsphere

Well, I’m just back a day … and I see that that pajama-clad bloggers are still attacking journalists risking life and limb to bring them the story.

Specifically, this “looters” vs. “finders” controversy. One photo caption of a black man carrying groceries was labeled a “looter,” while two whites with groceries “found” them.

Blogospheric attacks […]

Carnival of the Runners

The latest Rundown is up.