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Make Time for Time

Time magazine is reporting that Spc. Thomas “Jerry” Wilson came up with his question for Secretary Rumsfeld on his own — and that Chattanooga Times Free Press reporter Edward Lee Pitts had had urged Wilson to come up with “intelligent questions.” After Wilson showed his question to Pitts, the reporter simply “suggested a less brash way of asking the question.”

My previous comments stand. It is entirely inappropriate and dishonest for reporters to attempt to influence events and then pretend to report on them “objectively.”

On a related note, I’m in the middle of writing a short story about Time’s 2004 “Blog of the Year”, Power Line. Have already interviewed PL’s Scott Johnson (very nice), waiting for John Hinderaker to call me back.
UPDATE: Talked to Hinderaker. The story will be very short, just five inches.
UPDATE 2: Here’s the story, even shorter than the version I wrote.

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