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So after Sunday’s debacle I was determined to improve my running training. I dug up my Polar heart rate monitor transmitter, which I hadn’t been using in months and months, and strapped it to my chest. I headed out the door a half hour early, to give myself more time to run.

Now, backtrack a bit. For the past nearly six years I had been running in the same blue jacket that went to my upper thighs. Then this past spring the jacket finally gave up the ghost, and I had to switch to a nice Nike Storm-Fit jacket. The jacket fits well, but is a few inches shorter.

So anyway, I start running, on what’s the coldest day of the year so far (about 25 deg F, with a stiff breeze). But what do I care – I’m all bundled up!

Well, almost.

I quickly discovered I had apparently neglected to insulate … how do you say it? One … Very Important Male Organ.

Soon, I’m dashing down a side street, facing a wall and sticking a hand down my pants to warm things up down there. I hope the neighbors didn’t see. Sheesh.

I ended up cutting my run short, not even doing my usual distance. As I headed back with my, er, tale between my legs, I pondered whether I needed to splurge on a needed to splurge for a new a new, longer jacket.

(And as Chelle notesit’s not even that cold yet!)

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