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CBS & taxpayers union

CBS can’t make anyone happy these days! A number of blogs (here, here, here, here, here and here) are attacking the network for a brief segment they did last week on Social Security. In the course of the story, CBS “fail[ed] to properly identify a typical man on the street as the National Taxpayers Union shill he really is,” claims Three Way News. Only, well, that’s not true, as you can see from the photo of Tad DeHaven below.

National Taxpayers Union employee

The Washington Monthly’s Kevin Drum started the ball rolling with this post. I think the CBS segment could have been better-conceived (a criticism you can also level at most of my work…) but it’s just not the case that Mr. DeHaven was presented as “just an ordinary white collar working stiff like you and me” or “some random guy off the street” given his clear identification as an employee of a right-wing outfit.

UPDATE: Just to make clear, you can watch the video here.

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