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office diversions

So over Thanksgiving I discovered a whole mucka lotta running blogs. I had no idea there were this many! There’s a directory of some of them here. Some of my favorites so far include this one by a guy in Germany (writing in English); this one by Alison Wade, the webmaster of Fast Women and Men’s Racing; and this by Mary, who just finished a 90-mile week. Also, here’s one by Word Runner, whom I discovered after he commented on my blog, and there are some others on the Elite Running site here, here and here.

I will say Chelle’s site is still the best, though (why is such a great writer in broadcast?), but this is funny — a site with the same name and layout, although it’s actually moved here.

On an unrelated note, this was an awfully funny post about a 5-year-old’s trip to the hospital.

Also, we’re still the champions! An account of the World Series trophy’s trip to Manchester, N.H., where I lived for four years. Screw you Michael Kay – the Yankees play-by-play announcer who was predicting Sox fans would be popping anti-depressants if we won because we’re addicted to losing. Whatever man. “Year two thow-sand!”

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