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running in the new year

Worked New Year’s Eve for awhile, hanging out in Times Square for most of it. Attended the Colin Powell/ Bloomberg presser, then wandered around, collecting quotes. New Yorkers eschew the Times Square ball drop, mostly, but when you’ve got a press pass and can wander around freely, it’s pretty cool. Hope to post pictures later.

But then around 8 p.m. got called to 1 Penn Plaza for a report of a guy with a rifle and decided not to go back once I was sprung.

Caught up with S. and did the Emerald Nuts Midnight Run in Central Park. 27:46 for a four-miler, but it was so packed I couldn’t get going at all for the first 600 yards or so.

Thirteen hours later, did a two-loop, 12-mile run through the park – my first semilong run in a month. Had to take advantage of the nearly 60-degree temperature, and my first day off in a while.

I wasn’t around for this, but here are some pictures from my brother Adam from over Christmas at our father’s new house in Wilmington, N.C.

cat in bag

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