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running love letter

The “Running Chick with an Orange Hat” has a cool love letter to running in the same vein as Chelle’s earlier post:

Dear Running … Thank you for getting me out into the fresh air. You have given me the motivation to fully embrace the outdoors, in all seasons and in all weather. ….

Thank you for helping me to sculpt my body into a shape that I have been dreaming about for ten years. You have taken me to that ‘next level’ and helped me achieve that which I thought was lost. There are muscles in new places, and less fat in old places. I have energy. I feel strong.

You have re-awakened the ‘competitive’ me, and in a positive way. Before you came along, I never would have entered into any type of race or sporting event (or anything even similar!)…the fear of failure would have been too great. But you taught me that being competitive with MYSELF can be challenging, motivating and best of all, FUN.

True dat.

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