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A lot of people are criticizing Detroit Free Press columnist Mitch Albom for writing a fabricated column — and justly so.

But Matt Welch says there was something even more obnoxious about that column:

[W]hich is truly more offensive: getting caught post-writing a pre-write, or sitting on your moneyed throne telling teenagers that playing grab-ass in the dorm (while making millions for their universities) is actually more important than finally earning a decent wage for the first time in their lives? Clearly, Mitch has fond and perhaps thrillingly homo-erotic memories of college (who doesn’t!), but show me the man who’d give up a $3 million bonus just so he can drop a few extra coins in the nostalgia-making machine, and I’ll show you either a stone-cold sucker or a man of means. And when the men of considerable means, like Albom, give the rest of us lectures about how we should lay back and learn to love a system that is ineffective and unjust, let’s just say that gives me even more motivation than usual to laugh and laugh at their self-inflicted wounds.

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