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“homicide bombers”

How nonsensical is the term “homicide bomber”? It’s an Orwellian, meaningless phrase — how many bombers aren’t homicide bomers?

As “Juan Non-Volokh” writes,

“Would it make any sense to refer to a murderer as a “homicide killer”? … Indeed, the only purpose of inserting the word “homicide” is to make a political statement. Unfortunately, it comes at the expense of the English language.

Gabe at A Hanfdul of Sand looks at examined this Fox story, which is not only ridiculous but downright offensive:

LEEDS, England — New evidence suggests four bombers blew themselves up on the London transportation system last week, killing at least 52in what could be the first homicide attacks in Western Europe, officials said Tuesday.

Eesh. I guess the Madrid train bombings, ETA’s car bombs in Spain and all the IRA bombings were not “homicide attacks,” according to Fox. Who knew??

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