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four weeks to go

So I really can’t pat myself on the back toooo much — there were a ton of other people who also braved the rain yesterday and ran the Long Run #2. Twenty miles around Central Park Saturday morning. But were they all sleepy and hungover from drowning their sorrows in beer the night before following their team getting swept out of the playoffs?

The alarm jolted me out of bed at 5:50 a.m. … looked out the window and saw all the rain. “Eff it,” I thought. I’ll get some more sleep and do this run later. Put head back down on pillow. But only for a minute or three. Then I was out the door.

I wasn’t fast — started out with the 8:00 minute pace group, but dropped back down and was eventually passed by both 8:30 groups. But I finished all 20 miles.

Here are a couple photos from Grete’s Half Marathon:

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