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gorillas in our midst

gorilla suits So Theo Epstein confirmed today he escaped the media horde outside Fenway Park on Monday by wearing a gorilla suit. It was Halloween and the suit let Theo walt unmolested past the assembled reporters and cameramen. “I heard the gorilla had a big smile on his face and a cellphone to his ear,” a source told the Boston Herald. The Herald continues:

Fenway sources say Theo encountered a gorilla-suit-wearing trick-or-treater inside Fenway shortly after handing in his resignation. Feeling a bit giddy – or perhaps woozy after leaving $4.5 million on the table – baseball’s boy wonder asked to borrow the King Kong costume.
Theo reportedly spent some time monkeying around the baseball operations office in the monkey suit then left the building, right under the noses of the assembled media horde!
“It was Halloween and no one thought anything of it,” said Someone Who Was There. “He went right past the reporters, listened to what they were saying for a while, then jetted home.”

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