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From Healing Iraq:

Now, regarding the disgusting images from Abu Ghraib that the whole world had witnessed in the last few days. They didn’t come as a surprise at all, we have been hearing stories about the abuse of prisoners for a long time from released detainees and from humanitarian organisations. It doesn’t shock me at all that some American soldiers are so sick and devoid from any humanity. You need to have a cousin pushed off from a dam by some in order to learn that. What surprises me though are people saying “Saddam did worse”, or the soldiers responsible claiming they were ‘never taught anything about running a prison’, and ‘No one gave us a copy of the Geneva conventions’. We have a saying for that over here, “An excuse uglier than the guilt”.

They may be just a few soldiers, it may be an isolated case, but what’s the difference? The effect has been done, and the Hearts and Minds campaign is a joke that isn’t funny any more.

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