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meeting people in nyc

Direct from Dade County, Fla., White Dade has a great rant against New Yorkers who whine it’s “hard to meet people” here.

Excuse me? Hard to meet people? No, in South Dakota it’s hard to meet people. In New York, you essentially live in a chicken coop for humans. How the fuck are you NOT meeting people? There are so many goddamn people in that city you commute in layers, for chirssake. You’ve got a bridge and a tunnel. Even an act as simple as going to your place of employment finds you physically pressed up against dozens and dozens of other people. I’m not saying they are all people you’d want to meet, necessarily, but they are human. They have a pulse, they speak some sort of language, they’re people. And yet, still, the moaning cry coming from the young and single in New York; “God, it’s hard to meet people.”

bulgarian barI could maybe understand not being able to meet people in a sprawling modern city like LA or Miami or Phoenix where everyone lives half an hour away form everyone else. Internet dating being big in these modern, spread out, leave-me-the-fuck-alone-I’m-in-my-car metropolii would almost make sense. But New York? When you literally have someone living under you, on both sides of you, and on top of you, you’d be hard pressed to avoid meeting them.

Would someone care to explain this to me? Next to Tokyo and Mexico City, you live in one of the most crowded, populous cities on Earth. Every day you probably interact with dozens upon dozens of other human beings. How is meeting them a problem? Are you just shy? Are other New Yorkers really that frightening? I thought the Big Apple was a center of great personalities, artists, thinkers, and intellectuals. Have you become so bitter that you are convinced all of them suck?

He concludes, “Perhaps you New Yorkers could try this crazy thing called ‘eye contact’ and try ‘meeting’ each other in person once in a while.”

Although I’m not so much of a ranter, having lived in New Hampshire for five years of course competely agree with all this.

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