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running at night

Great Boston Globe story about running at night:

At an hour when lampposts carve shadows over empty streets, when geese outnumber people on the Esplanade, skunks troll through Brookline, and rats prowl around Beacon Hill, Tom Goulet is out sweating, his muscles burning, his mind far from shutting down.

Which for most people, given the time and his obligation to be up for work at dawn, would be the logical thing for the mind to be doing.

Nearly every night of the week, come rain, snow, or howling winds, the 48-year-old venture capitalist from the North End laces up his sneakers, tucks a cellphone in a fanny pack, and joins an unallied cabal of midnight runners.

”It’s almost as peaceful as sleeping,” says Goulet, a father of three. He says he often sees dozens of other late-night joggers but on a recent midnight run seemed to have the city to himself. ”It’s really beautiful to be out here on your own. It’s nice and strange to feel the stillness of the city. It feels like a postcard.”

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