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cbs courting bloggers?

Instapundit, the Volokh Conspiracy and Ratherbiased.com are all have something to say about CBS supposedly courting bloggers over a 60 Minutes piece on 5,500 U.S. military personnel deserting.

But why shouldn’t a news organization’s publicity department court bloggers? As a MSM member, I get emails from TV flacks all the time promoting their scoops. From ABC, for example, I’ve received emails regarding a tape they got of the Beltway sniper’s call to the Rockville police; Barbara Walters’ Hillary Clinton interview; and their ‘Azzam the American’ video … as well as a Rush Limbaugh drug money-laundering story that never panned out.

I even got attention from publicists when I was working for a newspaper that didn’t have a 20th of the circulation of Instapundit

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