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Pein answers his critics

Corey Pein has a defense of his CJR article posted here, on Romenesko letters. I had previously criticized his article and just zipped off the following letter to Romenesko:

I found Corey Pein’s defense of his CJR article, like his article itself, rather unconvincing.

It just strains credulity to think that two memos written in […]

paying attention to blogs

Corey Pein has an interesting letter on Romenesko that takes issue with my and others’ contention that journalists need to pay more attention to blogs. He writes,

Arguing that we need to pay more attention to certain blogs and get on top of non-scandals like “Easongate” is a weasely way of saying that journalists […]

Instant feedback

Well, I expected my last post might be controversial, but I had no idea …

Actually, I kinda thought I’d instantly persuade people with my arguments. Ha! Fat chance. It was interesting, though. Jeffrey was no doubt correct when he wrote, “Do not underestimate your readers.” The blogosphere is a pretty amazing aggregator of disparate […]

Boxer & the blogger

Right-wing bloggers are abuzz in self-righteous indignation over this NYT article by Sarah Boxer on the IraqtheModel site, in part because she begins her article thus:

When I telephoned a man named Ali Fadhil in Baghdad last week, I wondered who might answer. A C.I.A. operative? An American posing as an Iraqi? Someone paid by […]

CJR Monitor, part 2

Corey Pein has a piece on the CBS memo flap up that I found rather unconvincing.

“The bottom line, which credible document examiners concede,” writes Pein, “is that copies cannot be authenticated either way with absolute certainty.”

Hmm. What about Joseph Newcomber’s analysis, which seems pretty certain – and convincing – to me? What […]