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From Lloyd Grove:

The perils of Iraq have nothing on the nasty fracas erupting between former New York Times Baghdad Bureau Chief Susan Sachs and her ex-colleagues, Times Baghdad correspondents Dexter Filkins and John Burns.

The Gray Lady’s management has just fired Sachs, a widely respected and experienced journalist who has tangled bitterly with Burns […]


Another tabloid journalist with a blog — Will Bunch of the Philadelphia Daily News. It’s pretty good.

The Schiavo memo

Now, when CBS goofed on the Killian memo, it had an independent panel review its reporting; fired the producer and asked several others to resign; created a new position of senior vice president of standards; and created additional protocols for dealing with stories that come under significant challenge. (link).

Now, I really don’t expect anything […]

Sconticut Neck

Google has integrated their satellite mapping business with Google Maps. Here’s a map of the peninsula where I grew up. (well, until I was about eight, anyway).

In the top right quadrant, the “black hole” is an estuary, and right near that is a small private beach I used to play … home was […]

the AP’s Pulitzer

I’m glad that Wizbang and Rathergate are talking sense about the AP’s Pulitzer-prize winning photo.

Paul writes, “I hate to call out my fellow conservative bloggers, but this is just silly … If the photog was more worried about his safety than the picture, he would have been home on his couch. War photogs […]

well, yeah

“The media loved to believe there was this hideous underground movement of people having random sex,” writes Toothy Toothing co-conspirator Simon Byron, who admits hoaxing numerous media outlets (e.g.) about “toothing”, this faux trend where strangers would use bluetooth-enabled cellphones to arrange rendezvous.

“We hilariously got one idiotic journalist in a pub, by illustrating Toothing […]


hey, I’m on Gothamist.

broken neck

My little brother Evan has been spending the winter teaching snowboarding in Aspen and had a serious accident today.

Apparently on the last run of the last day of the season, there was a problem with the snowboard. He flipping twice in midair before landing on his head.

He broke his neck — cervical […]

i’ll say it

Meet the new Mets, same as the old Mets.

admitting errors

I think the mainstream press should survive the blogospheric onslaught … as long as we’re willing to be a little more nimble, interact more with readers, and admit errors more readily.

Clearly, that’s what the WP should do in this case.

talk of the town

The New Yorker has a witty piece on the tabloid wars, writing that it “No longer can it be said that the News, traditionally the more restrained of the city’s rival tabloids, lacks a fighting spirit.”

My fav. graphs:

Best of all were the quotes from the jilted would-be Scratch n’ Match winners, many culled […]

The Boston (212) cafe SUX

(UPDATE 9/25/05: This post was written about the Boston (212) cafe’s old location … I haven’t been to its new digs, and so can’t say what they are like.)

I cannot imagine a worse place to watch a sporting event than this new Boston (212) cafe.

Yes, I went there last night with a friend […]

bad for America?

Jonathan Miller says Glenn Reynolds is trying to have it both ways when it comes to criticizing the mainstream media on airing beheading videos.

try, try again

So yesterday was a very dreary overcast depressing day. I was planning on doing 16, but just felt so bleah — tired and lackadasical. Finally I got to thinking about the Chicago, and how I had missed my goal of a Boston qualifying-time by just eight minutes. Up and out the door at 2:45 p.m. […]

the Pope and the Times

This is why some people in the mainstream press fear greater transparency — they’re worried giving the public more details about how we go about our business will just give partisan critics more ammunition.

For example, this NYT story briefly included the line, “need some quote from supporter” prefacing a few lines from a detractor. […]

friday catblogging – cuddily kitties

More kitties – to be submitted to the carnival of the cats, hosted Sunday at CathColl.net.