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i’ll say it

Meet the new Mets, same as the old Mets.

Reds celebrate victory

2 comments to i’ll say it

  • grizzly

    Hello. I’m 21 years old from Iowa. I broke my neck riding a side by side atv. I was paralysed for a day or 2 until my right toe moved and gradually worked its way to my hip. Had some bowel trouble but its working its self out. My left leg was paralysed for 5 weeks. But it is really improving and I almost have full movment. The accident happend Oct 8 2011 it is now Nov 29 and I am walking on my own with a walker and still improving with therApy and tons of support from family and community. My only advice is don’t let it hold u down. No matter what just get back up.

  • On November 10th 2014, I was leaving work headed to the nearest convenient store with intentions to make egg sandwiches with my loved one. As we turned left, my entire life flashed before my eyes. This *Booomm* left me with a fracture on the right side of my neck. Not even seconds passed and I was already nice and snuggle in my new neckbrace. From the time of the initial I’ve been stressed. I’ve been trying to gain relief from the acts of depression and fatigue that I was experiencing. Can someone say insomnia? Sleep was definitely unbarebal. Along with a lot of other daily actions. For instance I was having trouble walking, talking, turning my head, brushing my teeth, showering, getting out of bed, etc. Now I’m becoming more and more frustrated! So I said fukk iit, I’ll wear my neckbrace when ever the hell I want to.

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