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earthquake & killer tsunamis

So the earthquake was felt all over the world, including Central Park:
(Click the chart for the complete data)

earthquake graph

Columbia University’s Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory has a sensor buried there by the 96th St. traverse, apparently.

Real time data is here; select “short form” under frequency and “CPNY” under station to view the Central Park information.

The earthquake hit Saturday at 00:58:50 UTC (7:58 EST)… the shockwaves registered on the Central Park seismograph 20 minutes later, at 01:18 UTC. While U.S. researchers were trying to warn people, the tsunamis hit about two hours after that.

UPDATE 12/27: My story is now online: Shockwaves picked up in Central Park

UPDATE 12/28: Columbia University’s Earth Institute has an interesting page of information on the earthquake.

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