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This will be my only CBS post of the day (probably)

Classy guy, that new NYY star pitcher…

Big Unit Gets Physical with Cameraman@
NEW YORK (Sports Network) – Randy Johnson, who is expected to be introduced on Tuesday as the newest member of the New York Yankees, got into a heated argument and shoving match on Monday with a CBS television news cameraman.
Johnson was in town on Monday to take a physical as a precursor to the Yankees completing a trade with the Arizona Diamondbacks. The five-time Cy Young Award winner was walking along a Manhattan sidewalk when the camera showed Johnson extending his right hand to try and block the lens.
“No cameras,” Johnson and a security guard both warned.
“Get out of my face, that’s all I ask,” Johnson is heard saying as the camera angle dropped off the 6-foot-10 lefthander’s face.
“I’m just taking a picture,” responded the cameraman.
“No you’re not,” said Johnson, as the camera continued to roll.
“Don’t get in my face. I don’t care who you are…don’t get in my face,” Johnson yelled.
“I’m just taking a picture,” the cameraman responded.
“Don’t get in my face and don’t talk back to me, alright,” Johnson said, raising his voice again.
Seconds later a security guard intervened and the men walked away as the cameraman said to Johnson, “welcome to New York.”

Full story here and here.

I don’t have much to say about that, um, other CBS story and don’t expect I will unless I can think of something original to say. I also haven’t had a chance to read the full report, and probably won’t until late tonight.

UPDATE: I will say that myopic zeal sounds like a good name for a blog or a band.

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